Ever Mind the Rule of Three

Mystic Academy Book 1

by Samaire Wynne

Genre: Urban Fantasy


A Wytch & Magical Cat Urban Fantasy

“This is the story of a girl and her cat.” 

Ever Mind the Rule of Three

Mystic Academy Book 1

by Samaire Wynne

Genre: Urban Fantasy


Deep in the house lies a box, hidden where no human would find it. 

Inside the box lies an object of such immense power it refuses to be ignored 

even one more day…



Tabitha Murphy is no stranger to tragedy. After losing both parents as an infant, she’s being raised by her aunt and a very special cat.
Although she’s descended from a long line of wytches, Tabitha has shown no sign of any powers whatsoever. Without magic, she won’t be allowed to attend the school where her aunt teaches. In fact, with no better options, Tabitha plans to attend UCLA in the fall and live a mundane life.
During an afternoon out with friends after their last day of high school, she halfheartedly shares french fries and milkshakes at the local malt shoppe and agrees to go to a carnival in town later that afternoon.
That’s when something happens that shocks her to her core. Something that will change the course of her life forever.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Ever Mind the Rule of Three is a 120,000-word urban fantasy story 

suitable for all ages.

No AI was used to write this book or create its cover.

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Samaire Wynne grew up in a lot of different places, and now happily resides on the East Coast of America, laboring away at writing stories every day. She is an animal lover with far too many pets, yet she still muses how she’d like to add even more. A lover of all things night and gothic, she also loves to read and reread her favorite books. Owned by a cat named Tyrion, she can be found haunting the shadows and mists that hang low over the hills of southern Virginia.

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A Coat of Many Colors

by Roy Schreiber 


 Putting Jewish Characters on Stage


Date Published: February 1, 2024


Showing diversity is the best way to undermine the negative stereotyping of Jewish people. The five plays in this book illustrate why stereotypes of any description don’t work.

In Shylock Revisited, the main character won’t give up his efforts to make the merchant of Venice, Antonio, pay what he owes. In “Good Deeds” a screen writer, Salka Viertel, pays the price for helping Nazi era Jewish artists escape from Europe.

Harry Houdini takes on a reluctant con woman in Margery Meets Harry. Educating Henry Adams has the queen of Tahiti convince the U.S. historian, Henry Adams, to help her write a family history that leaves out her Jewish heritage. And finally, in The Optimist, a Jewish college professor discovers that the world goes beyond the logical solutions he thinks will solve all problems.


About the Author

Roy Schreiber started out as a history professor and switched to play writing. At one time he was a member of both the American Historical Society and the British Royal Historical Society. Currently he belongs to the Dramatists Guild and is a Network Playwright with Chicago Dramatists. For several years he has been a reader/evaluator for the Jewish Plays Project.


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