by Walter Jones

@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #BLUEFictionBook #WalterJones #Fiction



“Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the Hunt 

will always glorify the Hunter.”


Pamela Edwards McClafferty (Editor)



Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Spellbound Pictures Ltd USA LLC.




BLUE: A Multigenerational Epic of Destiny, Secrets, and Freedom


Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.


Spanning five generations, four families, two continents, and three secrets, BLUE is a captivating saga that intertwines the lives of four extraordinary individuals on an urgent mission for freedom.


Meet the Protagonists:


  • Nicole Johnson: A beautiful Howard University MBA graduate with a vision to build her international advertising/marketing company, Fresh, Inc., in her hometown of Chicago.
  • Regina Bovine: A stunning artistic marketer and graduate of life’s challenges, Regina becomes Nicole’s partner in Fresh, Inc., bringing her unique perspective and talent.
  • Segun Bada: A brilliant MIT graduate who establishes the headquarters of his international conglomerate, Quantum Protection Systems (Q.P.S.), in Gaborone, Botswana.
  • Sotonye Bada: Segun’s gifted brother and a graduate of the Mayo Medical School, Sotonye sets up his medical practice in Gaborone, Botswana, alongside his brother.


Together, their paths converge in an extraordinary saga that takes them across the globe to Chicago, New Orleans, Botswana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Huntsville, Nigeria, Kenya, Washington D.C., and Tanzania. As they unravel the secrets of their ancestors, they discover the reason the ancient oracles destined them to join forces.


A Race Against Time:

With BLUE, a formidable force of evil, threatening to unleash his deadliest powers upon the world before the children born to either join or destroy him reach their thirty-first birthday, Nicole and Regina are drawn back to the African continent, the birthplace of BLUE.

In a final, epic battle, they join Sotonye and Segun to protect the Freedom Code, a legacy for their ancestors, their present allies, and the future generations of their people—and all people. For if one man or woman is enslaved, so is the world.


BLUE: A Riveting Tale of:


  • Family: Exploring the intricate bonds and connections between generations and families across continents.
  • Love: Showcasing the power of love in its various forms, from familial love to romantic love.
  • Destiny: Unraveling the ancient prophecies that foretold the convergence of four lives on a mission.
  • Freedom: Fighting for the fundamental right of freedom for all individuals and the world at large.


Immerse yourself in this multigenerational epic that will keep you turning pages as you journey alongside Nicole, Regina, Segun, and Sotonye in their quest for freedom and the preservation of their legacy.


About the Author


Walter Jones, a native Chicagoan, (1952 -) has written his first novel.

“Dreams can come true, but it probably won’t happen as you first imagined. No one could have told me a novel I started when I was in my forties would come to fruition in my sixties. Or that I would go from golden boy to ‘I‘m sorry. You are extremely qualified for the position, but we are considering other candidates.’ Or that I would face years of doubt and criticism from relatives and friends.”

The sixth child of Mary Louise Spillman and Russell Donald Jones Jr., Walter grew up in two predominately African American communities, Morgan Park and Chatham. The Spillmans were one of the first African American families to settle in Chicago; they owned homes and businesses and took care of their neighborhoods.

By the mid-1960s, the civil rights movement was in full swing. Housing projects had been built and crime was on the rise. By the time Walter graduated from Chicago State University (psychology), the peace he had known in his youth was a memory.

Walter had high hopes that he could make a difference when he began his career at the Austin Chicago YMCA before becoming the first black executive at Lawson YMCA Metro Chicago. He ended his YMCA career at the historical Black Washington Park. Thereafter, he worked at Habitat Boulevard LLC and then ventured out on his own to found his own construction company.

“Working in public service, I watched my people falling into materialistic, superficial, and destructive traps. I was surprised and humbled to find I was no exception. When my construction business failed, I had to reassess myself and my life. For years I had focused on the image I wanted my children and others to have of me, not on the man I truly was. I began to reflect on the people who had profoundly influenced my life.”

BLUE began to take form as Walter wrote about the African American life of his youth—the beauty, majesty, brilliance, and courage of his people. He suddenly realized he was rebuilding that which he had lost, a love of self and humanity. To support his family, he took odd jobs. Ultimately he joined a security company, where he works to this day.

“As my greatest advocate, my mother read my first draft of BLUE before her death in 1995 and made me promise to complete it. Little did I know she was freeing me from BLUE and showing me how long the path can be to freedom, but I learned, and I am grateful.”


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At Home Among Sinners

The John Callahan Series

by Elizabeth Upton

Genre: Romantic Mystery Thriller 


Father Callahan is forced back into dangerous filth, corruption, and crime. Can he remain 

a celibate priest, or will he abandon the life of faith for more sensual pleasures? 

Will he stay a good man or return to the dark criminal life he once knew so well?

At Home Among Sinners

The John Callahan Series Book 1

by Elizabeth Upton

Genre: Romantic Mystery Thriller 

John Callahan is a good man with a bad past — and his past will not let him live in peace.
Against the odds, he matures from a teenage Belfast street thug and an IRA killer to a happily married man and expectant father. Then fate snatches away his wife, his unborn child—and his world—in the flash of a tragic accident for which he feels responsible. Years later, just as he begins to find peace and serenity again as a monk in a rural Irish monastery, a vindictive superior banishes the handsome young priest to a derelict parish in New York City.

Ripped away from his quiet, cloistered life, Father Callahan is plunged back into a dangerous cacophony of filth, corruption and crime. Will he remain a celibate priest or will he abandon the life of faith for more sensual pleasures? Will he remain a good man or return to the dark criminal life he once knew so well?

In this exciting, insightful novel, Elizabeth Upton puts readers inside the mind of a passionate, wounded and angry young priest as he struggles to live in a state of grace among new friends and enemies in a foreign land.

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The Web of Darkness and Light

The John Callahan Series Book 2

Demons never tire. Like the banshees of Irish legend, they cling to John Callahan and fill his heart with wails of despair.

No matter how John tries to live an exemplary life, the former IRA killer is haunted by the memories of the horrors he has suffered — and those he has inflicted in return. Not the monastic life, not the vows of the priesthood, not the move from Ireland to New York City has brought him peace.

In this second gripping novel in the series by Elizabeth Upton, John Callahan has resigned from the priesthood in the hope of living a simpler life as a professor at New York University. However, his promise to a distraught colleague — who soon turns up dead — plunges him into another mystery alongside his friend Ronald Casey, a detective with the NYPD. Who would want to kill a professor of neuroscience? What could be contained in the briefcase she has guarded, quite literally, with her life?

It begins to be clear that Dr. Shannon Grey Feather had discovered a cure for addiction and several complex brain disorders. That is a medical breakthrough worth millions — and one worth killing over. Once again confronted by murder’s cruelty and life’s injustices, Callahan must find a killer while coming to terms with his criminal past. He longs for true peace and genuine love, but before he can hope for a bright future, he must revisit his dark past — where the looming demons dwell.

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Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge

The John Callahan Series Book 3

How much does family matter? And what if there are unknown details about them?

John Callahan visits his beloved grandmother, Annabelle, at her 500-acre estate in Ireland. The peaceful countryside is beautiful, with lush hills that overlook the coastline, so different from Callahan’s home in New York City. After Annabelle dies, Callahan discovers that she’s left everything to him. However, there are some challenges with the staff, where secrets abound, including murder and heightened security on the estate that can’t seem to control the chaos that is happening.

Callahan is perplexed, wanting to solve the murder, understand the workings of the estate, and also longing for a relationship that would create a happy home. He meets Sara, the woman in charge of the horses at the estate, and longs to be with her. Throughout the busy days of work, travel, and wondering if he’s in love, John remembers Annabelle’s words. “Whenever you need my help, rub this precious jewel for consolation, wisdom, and protection. Call me when needed, dearest Johnnie, and I shall come to you.”

Learn how Callahan meets the challenges of revenge, murder, and love to discover the true meaning of friends and family.

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Elizabeth Upton is a best-selling author and influential writer of gripping romantic thrillers and inspiring self-help motivational nonfiction books.

Her best-selling books, ‘Secrets of a Nun: My Own Story,’ ‘The Silver Woman of Fire’ and ‘The Healing Swords of Love and Innocence’ helped set her firmly within the world’s literary map. With many novels to her credit, like her newest fiction book, released in June 2022, titled ‘Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge,’ a gripping romantic thriller, and her new nonfiction release in Feb. 2024, titled ‘You Are a Sovereign Woman of Strength, Love, and Grace: Embrace Your Journey.’

The Author’s favorite book she enjoyed writing was ‘The Shaman and The Mafia,’ as she shares, “The creation of this story has been an exciting journey. I would love to meet all of the characters in this book in real life.” Elizabeth’s nonfiction books and novels are available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle and are featured on fine literary book sites and magazines.

Elizabeth was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA., until the age of sixteen, when she entered a New York State Convent and became a nun for twenty years, but she yearned for a more authentic spiritual life. Elizabeth left the convent and chose to attend and receive her B.A. from Syracuse University.

Returning to her native state of California, she attended and received her M.A. in psychology from Chapman University. The Author began working for over thirty years in family counseling as a social worker and probation officer working with troubled teens and abused children. She is a speaker, spiritual mentor, and advisor.

Elizabeth is happily married and enjoys writing books for her reader fans around the world. When the Author is not writing, she works out with a personal trainer to stay fit and healthy; she loves long walks on the beach with her husband and dog. She enjoys reading good books by some of her favorite authors like Geraldine Brooks, Hanh, Jerry Archer, Joseph Murphy, and Michael Connelly.

Elizabeth and her husband reside outside the area of Santa Barbara, California.

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Faerie Misborn

Titiana Academy Book 1

by Samaire Wynne

Genre: YA Academy Urban Fantasy



When the magic blood of the fae runs through your veins, they will find you, no matter what.

Faerie Misborn

Titiana Academy Book 1

by Samaire Wynne

Genre: YA Academy Urban Fantasy

Life on the streets of Manhattan was bleak…

…for an orphan with little education.

Would a faerie named Chance change her life?

Holly considered herself “street smart.” She had learned to survive, deal with the cold, and ignore the hunger, but at almost 14-years old, she feared life would be one long journey of misery. Then she met him.

Sitting alone on the grass…

…she held a sign hoping for spare change.

It read, “Hungry, please help.”

The boy didn’t give her money, he took her for a bagel. Holly was too hungry to say “no,” and what he told her next was almost hard to believe. He had been sent for her.

She was invited to attend a school for special students.

What awaits Holly at The Faerie Academy?

You’ll love this story full of teen angst, magical awakenings, faerie folk, and unbelievable challenges, because we all face tests in life and Holly is someone you’ll want to see succeed.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

Find them on Amazon!

Samaire Wynne grew up in a lot of different places, and now happily resides on the East Coast of America, laboring away at writing stories every day. She is an animal lover with far too many pets, yet she still muses how she’d like to add even more. A lover of all things night and gothic, she also loves to read and reread her favorite books. Owned by a cat named Tyrion, she can be found haunting the shadows and mists that hang low over the hills of southern Virginia.

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The Art of Mindkeeping

by Stacey McCann



The Secret to Activating Wisdom, Healing and Spiritual Fulfillment through Lumen Consciousness

Self-Help, Meditation



Are you yearning for a higher state of being, a connection to something greater but struggling to find the path?

The Art of Mindkeeping is your guide to unlocking a profound spiritual journey that’s been within you all along.

This book unravels the mystery of Mindkeeping, a transformative process that evolves you past the hurts and pains of the physical world, guiding you to your true nature as a spirit in human form. It’s not about fixing what’s wrong; it’s about embracing what’s right and discovering the next generation of consciousness—Lumen beingness.

You don’t have to be trapped by your past or limited by your current perception. The key to healing, purpose, and an enriched life awaits. With a blend of wisdom and practical insight, The Art of Mindkeeping is the compass leading you to a destination where you are in control.

Ready to evolve and illuminate your life? Dive into The Art of Mindkeeping and embark on the path that was meant for you.

About the Author

Stacey McCann is not just an author; she’s a natural-born healer, a pioneer in human technology and evolution, and a Lumen. Her journey began as a young child with a unique consciousness, but it wasn’t until she healed her infant son’s breathing issues that she fully embraced her gifts. This profound experience catapulted her into a new understanding of healing, self-discovery, and the mind’s transformative power.

For over 30 years, Stacey has mastered the art of Mindkeeping, sharing her process with those eager to live from a higher state of being. Living in St. Augustine, Florida with her furry friend Louie, she continues to inspire and guide others on their paths to healing and spiritual growth. Her life and work stand as a testament to the profound connections between mind, body, and universe, providing a beacon for those ready to embark on a journey of inner healing. Join her on this exciting adventure towards self-discovery and enlightenment.


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The Moral Conundrum

by C.S. Runn

@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #TheMoralConundrum #CSRunn #Thriller


 Thriller, Military, Suspense



Reed Stanton is a navy fighter pilot and dedicated family man. As a combat veteran who was assigned to work with navy SEALs overseas, he is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and with small firearms. His experience on the battlefield has caused him to struggle with the morality of killing combatants in war. He doesn’t want to do it. You can’t unsee dead bodies.

Out of nowhere, his life at home begins to crumble. Betrayal is everywhere. Facing struggles in his marriage, friends that turn on him, and no longer trusting of his military chain of command; he is framed for murder. Who is doing this and why? His only way forward is to continue to trust people. But who? Reed must unravel this mystery to restore his world. But can he?

All roads lead to a terrorist plotting an attack on a San Diego air traffic control facility. On a collision course with a madman, Reed faces seemingly insurmountable odds as he races to stop the attack, neutralize a terrorist, confront his own moral demons, and reclaim his life.


About the Author

Using a Pseudonym

After careful consideration, I decided to represent myself throughout the site with a pseudonym. I’m sure it defies conventional publishing wisdom,On but it enables the preservation of some privacy. I am not hiding. To the contrary, I am very accessible. I just want the ability to step back.


My Writing Process

While there is keen interest in the book; there was equal curiosity my writing and publishing process. That led to the inclusion of a section “On Writing” with information on topics such as my writing process, locations in the book, and copyright. This section will grow and there will be more later on publishing and marketing.



I was born and raised in south Florida and attended the University of Florida graduating with bachelor of science degree. Following college, I joined the navy and attended flight school in Pensacola, Florida. After being designated a Naval Flight Officer, I reported to VF-124 in San Diego, California and became an F-14 Tomcat Radar Intercept Officer. During a twenty-year carrier, I accumulated over 2,200 flight hours and 336 carrier arrested landings.

Subsequent to my navy career, I went to work for the Federal Aviation Administration as an operations research analysis. This work included unmanned aircraft systems research that answered questions about integration of UAS with manned aircraft into the National Airspace System.

I now live in San Diego, California making frequent trips around the country to explore our nations great national parks as I once did with my older brother. I also enjoy spending time “yachting” on JBO – Jerry’s Boat – a terrific, easy to handle, fourteen foot boat with a 40 hp motor.


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The Amazing Adventures of Hunter Caine, Soldier of Fortune

Volumes 1-3

by JP Vile

Genre: Supernatural Sci-Fi Action Thriller


 Treasure Hunter. Soldier of Fortune. Smuggler.  

The Amazing Adventures of Hunter Caine, Soldier of Fortune

Volumes 1-3

by JP Vile

Genre: Supernatural Sci-Fi Action Thriller

 I’m Hunter Caine.
Treasure Hunter. Soldier of Fortune. Smuggler.
I’m kind of a bad bitch, you might say.
I do what the chicken shit Corporation, or the Holier-than-thou Collective are afraid to do.
What they don’t want to do.
And I do it anywhere.
When shit gets ugly, and things need doin’, I get it done.
I don’t play favorites. Strictly Freelance.
But, I do it all.
And more.

You want something done? Something dirty? Something dangerous?

Something distasteful?
Call Hunter. You got the cash. I got the flash.”

Order your copy and join in on the thrilling sci-fi action, today!

**June’s Feautured Title with Perseid Press! Get it On Sale for Only 2.99 now! **

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JP Vile is a devious introvert that scribes works of fiction for people that like action. Pulp fiction that is – the kind of fiction that gets your blood boiling and keeps you flipping pages like tomorrow may never come.

JP has been a soldier, a wrangler, a financial advisor, a professor and a professional eater of oatmeal cookies, all of which contribute to a well-rounded attachment to chaos. Most importantly, JP’s family is an eccentric group of lovable maniacs who all harbor an unhealthy commitment to raising their small dog, Shadow (who may or may not be a Martian infiltrator).

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Soar a Burning Sky

Echoes of EonThera Book One

by Steven Michael Beck

Genre: YA Eco-Dystopian Fantasy


 A Fantasy You Can Believe In.  

Soar a Burning Sky

Echoes of EonThera Book One

by Steven Michael Beck

Genre: YA Eco-Dystopian Fantasy

**Outstanding Creator Awards Winner!**

Long before the Great Clock of Stars began turning, the destinies of Earth and its soul were entwined. For centuries these twin worlds, Earth and EonThera, existed in harmony, in perfect balance. However, as SOAR A BURNING SKY opens, EonThera is now divided and aflame. Earth’s radically shifting climate not only wreaks havoc upon its own, but rains hell upon those occupying its soul. Reluctantly, T’Aura, the last of EonThera’s shape-shifting Change Masters emerges from seclusion and, in a final act of desperation, resolves to gather warriors from the very realm responsible for EonThera’s suffering: Earth itself. 


Four seemingly ordinary teenagers heed the steward’s call, embarking on a journey that scatters them across the treacherous climes of Earth’s surreal doppelgänger. In the unfolding chaos, their fates converge, ultimately guiding them toward theirs and the Change Master’s true calling: to restore The Ticking, the equilibrium necessary to prevent the body and its soul from perishing together. Only by re-opening the Guardian Gate—the portal that circulates the Ticking’s life-giving energy between the twin dominions—can T’Aura and her new TerraTo’Kai reveal to both worlds the relationship they actually share: that each requires the other in order to survive.


SOAR A BURNING SKY is a Young Adult eco-dystopian fantasy complete at 105,000 words.  With its captivating characters, its intricate world-building, and its heart-pounding set pieces, it would be perfect for fans of Suzanne Collins and James Dasher.

Join Patreon and get started for free! New material released twice weekly!

To underscore there’s always more that can be done, when you subscribe to Soar A Burning Sky on, regardless of which tier you select, each provides the most sensible way to combat Climate Change . . .  


Be it a pair of these emerald guard, a cluster, a grove, or even an entire forest, you can personally engage in the battle now, today. For every dollar we donate when you subscribe, will plant trees in your honor, in a geographic zone-of-need of your choice.   

STEVEN MICHAEL BECK brings a lifetime commitment to pushing the state-of-the-art in media and entertainment. He is an award-winning storyteller, filmmaker, screenwriter, designer, illustrator, sculptor, and author. The diversity of his portfolio which includes feature films, commercials, and theme park and attraction design, coupled with his artistic and writing talent, allows him to transcend the boundaries of any one medium and create truly unique story-driven experiences.

After four decades in the film industry, Steve’s current passion is bringing to life his epic narrative: Echoes of EonThera — a Young Adult dystopian saga that explores the impact of climate change, hoping to inspire the next generation to heed the call to action. At its core, Echoes of EonThera helps us recognize that: “It takes many to save a world, but only one to make a difference.”

Soar a Burning Sky, the first volume in the Echoes of EonThera series (still in manuscript form), recently won the Grand Prize for Fantasy at the Chanticleer International Book Awards as well as a First Prize for Young Adult Fiction. Other accolades include the Literary Titan Book Award for Teen Fiction/ 2023, The International Firebird Book Awards/ 3rd Quarter, 2023, and honorable mentions from both the New England Book Festival and the Southern California Book Festival for 2023.

Steven Michael Beck graduated with honors from Art Center College of Design, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Illustration, Graphic Design, and Advertising.

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Soul Ink

A Poetry Anthology

@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #SoulInk #Anthology #Poetry



Date to be Published: June 23, 2024


Poetry; a unique and beautiful way to express feelings and ideas. Weaving words into perfect poetic prose, these authors remind you of your childhood, bring comfort from the hardships of life, fiercely spur emotions, and tell tales of old. All lovers of poetry will find a favorite here!

Featuring poems by Rhiannon Bird, Luke Dylan Ramsey, Ron Perovich, M. Kelly Peach, John Grey, Michael J. Corrigan, K.J. Watson, Jonathan Reddoch, Vanessa Bane, Stephen Schwei, Daniel Anaya, Dana Trick, Cara Hartley, Douglas Allen Gohl, Samuel Samba, Monica Kakkar, Rizwan Akhtar, Emma Laurent, Ebuka Stephen, and J.E. Feldman.


A Brief Ode to an Unseen Eclipse

Though we were not in the path of totality

Partial eclipse sighting was possibility

Overcast as it was, it was not meant to be.

Clouds thick and heavy

Obscuring the sun.


many sing your praise

while your numbers grow smaller

precious butterfly



I inflame your fire

giving you warmth you desire

fundamental fuel


Dear Author

Dear Author,

Thank you for the submission of your story for our anthology.

Your story has good bones.

For us to consider publishing the piece, you must make it more innovative by changing the characters to amorphous blobs with no discernible age, ethnicity, nationality, sex, or size.

Within the confines of ten thousand words, we also insist on more descriptive descriptions of the futuristic setting while not getting lost in describing the futuristic setting but rather concentrating on compelling character development between the amorphous blobs.

Further, we insist upon inclusion of an enemies to lovers trope.

Yours truly,

The Publisher


a wintry shower

dusting of snow on the trees

as spring awakens



I sit in my house listening to house music at 6:23 AM.

The skies are gray and the birds have not yet started stirring

In the ugly Siberian elm outside my window.

My father hated these trees with their rough bark and leaves.

He despised their haggard appearance,

Lamenting the downfall of their handsomer cousins, the American elm.

I remember seeing technicians cutting off branches of trees

Spraying them with paint, sometimes felling the whole thing

In order to stop the spread of Dutch elm disease.

I hope my father would be pleased to know

About the efforts made to save the trees he loved

So future generations can appreciate them

As he always did.

Outside my window, an ugly Siberian elm is a dwelling place for beautiful birds.


For my father

31 May 1936 – 28 November 2010


Ornery Owl is a wise old bird who seeks the truth behind the lies. She uses her observations to heal the wounded soul. In essence, she is the spirit of an odd little bird whose wings were clipped at a young age. She is at once a whimsical manifestation of poetic expression and a fierce protector of those targeted for derision by an angry and unsympathetic world. Depending on how you perceive her, she can be either a goddamned delight or your worst nightmare.


Follow Ornery Owl (AKA Cara Hartley)

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(C. L. Hart is my fantasy, horror, and sweet romance author pen name.)

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by Carolyn Watson Dubisch & Mike Dubisch


 The People That Melt in the Rain #2

 Graphic novels-YA Fantasy

Date Published: 05-23-2024

Publisher: Abigail Books

Laura has only just come to terms with moving to the strange town of Deluge, when she is mysteriously transported into a painting that is displayed in the school library.  Shocked by her sudden relocation she realizes she’s been brought back home to Seattle, Washington, but it isn’t the Seattle she left behind. Has she also stepped backwards in time?


About the Author 

Mike and Carolyn began collaborating artistically at the School Of Visual Arts in New York City.  They married soon after graduating and began working together. Their first major project was designing rides on the Turn of the Century Carousel that was displayed in Grand Central Station in New York, The LA Auto Show in California, also in Washington DC and New Orleans.  Their comic book adaptation of the Japanese fable Urishima Taro, initially created for a fundraiser for the tsunami victims in Japan, was licensed by FOX in 2013.

Mike is well known for his fantasy art and comics, including art for Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, and Aliens VS Predator. Carolyn is a multiple award winning author and illustrator of numerous children’s books, working with multiple publishers and authors, and has appeared in Highlights For Children magazine. Their most ambitious project, the all-ages graphic novel series The People That Melt In The Rain, is the product of over ten years of development. 


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The Last Decade of Cinema

by Scott Ryan


Nonfiction, Television, Performing Arts

Date Published: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Publisher: Fayetteville Mafia Press, 2024  (FMP Publishing)


“I feel like Scott Ryan could have written this directly to me and others in our generation who have basically ‘given up’ on movies. It is at once tribute and eulogy, so bittersweet.” – Screenwriter Helen Childress (Reality Bites)

 “The nineties are lucky to have Scott Ryan.” – Actress Natasha Gregson Wagner (Two Girls and a Guy, Lost Highway)

 Ah, the nineties. Movies were something in those days. We’re talking about a decade that began with GoodFellas and ended with Magnolia, with such films as Malcolm X, Before Sunrise, and Clueless arriving somewhere in between. Stories, characters, and writing were king; IP, franchise movies, and supersaturated superhero flicks were still years away. Or so says Scott Ryan, the iconoclastic author of The Last Days of Letterman and Moonlighting: An Oral History, who here turns his attention to The Last Decade of Cinema—the prolific 1990s. Ryan, who watched just about every film released during the decade when he was a video store clerk in a small town in Ohio, identifies twenty-five unique and varied films from the decade, including Pretty Woman, Pulp Fiction, Menace II Society, The Prince of Tides, and The Shawshank Redemption, focusing with his trademark humor and insight on what made them classics and why they could never be produced in today’s film culture. The book also includes interviews with writers, directors, and actors from the era. Go back to the time of VCR’s, DVD rentals, and movies that mattered. Turn off your streaming services, put down your phones, delete your Twitter account, and take a look back at the nineties with your Eyes Wide Shut, a White Russian in your hand, and yell “Hasta la vista, baby” to today’s meaningless entertainment. Revel in the risk-taking brilliance of Quentin Tarantino, Amy Heckerling, Spike Lee, Robert Altman, Paul Thomas Anderson, and others in Scott Ryan’s magnum opus, The Last Decade of Cinema. 


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